Tuesday, April 29, 2014

CPU Load Test (100%) Linux

# Simple CPU stress test script

# Read the user's input
echo -n "Number of CPU threads to test: "
read cpu_threads
echo -n "Duration of the test (in seconds): "
read cpu_time

# Run an endless loop on each thread to generate 100% CPU
echo -e "\E[32mStressing ${cpu_threads} threads for ${cpu_time} seconds...\E[37m"
for i in $(seq ${cpu_threads}); do
    let thread=${i}-1
    (taskset -cp ${thread} $BASHPID; while true; do true; done) &

# Once the time runs out, kill all of the loops
sleep ${cpu_time}
echo -e "\E[32mStressing complete.\E[37m"
kill 0

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